Daniel Ziblatt, Director, Center for European Studies & Eaton Professor of the Science of Government at Harvard University (How Democracies Die, The Tyranny of the Minority) will be joining us in Munich to talk about the fragile state of democracies around the world and especially in the United States with the upcoming election.
Members of the Yale Club of Germany and the Harvard Club of Germany (Munich Chapters) along with Munich Dialogues on Democracy supporters are invited to enjoy post-event cheer at a reception/networking dinner following.
Co-hosts: Yale Club of Germany e.V. and The Harvard Clubs of Germany (Munich Chapters) together with Munich Dialogues on Democracy and Amerikahaus München
Date: Thursday, 16 May 2024, 7pm
Location: Amerikahaus Munich, Karolinenplatz 3, 80333 Munich
Registration for the talk: The registration for the talk is free and open to the public. Please register for the talk HERE
Registration for the reception: Please register for the reception by sending an email to president@yaleclub.de.
Cost: €35 per person covers the dinner buffet, Munich Dialogues on Democracy has graciously offered to invite for the drinks.
Guests: Members of the Yale Club of Germany e.V., the Harvard Club of Munich, and Munich Dialogues on Democracy supporters
The registration fee for the networking reception is €35 and includes a dinner and drink buffet. Please note that registration in advance is required. Space is limited, and places will be reserved on a first-come-first-serve basis. Only registered attendees can be admitted to the dinner.