The Yale Club of Israel
is pleased to invite you to an evening with former Yale faculty,
Ambassador Michael Oren to give a talk on his new book
Israel 2048
When: July 18, 21:00 – 22:00 (20:00-21:00 Jerusalem time)
Location: zoom
Topic: Yale zoom
Time: Jul 18, 2023 08:00 PM Jerusalem
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 830 7877 1483
Passcode: 960333
Ambassador Michael Oren is an author, former MK and Israel’s former Ambassador to the US.
As a Member of Knesset and Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office, Amb. Oren interacted with foreign leaders and defended Israel in the media. He spearheaded efforts to strengthen Israel-Diaspora relations, to develop the Golan Heights, and to fight BDS. As Chairman of a classified subcommittee, he dealt with some of Israel’s most sensitive security issues. His services as Israel’s ambassador to the United States was from 2009 to 2013. As Ambassador, he was instrumental in securing U.S. support for Israel’s defense and upholding Israel’s right to security and peace. The Forward named Ambassador Oren one of the five most influential Jews in America and the Jerusalem Post listed him as one of the ten most influential Jews worldwide. Born in the United States and educated at Princeton and Columbia, Dr. Oren has been a visiting professor at Harvard, Yale, and Georgetown, and was a Distinguished Fellow at the Shalem Center in Jerusalem.
He has received fellowships from the British and Canadian governments as well as a Moshe Dayan Fellowship from Tel Aviv University and the Lady Davis Fellowship at the Hebrew University. Author of eight books, the most recent is 2048, Amb. Oren has New York Times bestsellers and has won the Los Angeles Times History Book of the Year Award and the National Jewish Book Award.
In Israel, Ambassador Oren served as an officer in the Israel Defense Forces, in the paratroopers in the Lebanon War, a liaison with the U.S. Sixth Fleet during the Gulf War, and an IDF spokesman during the Second Lebanon War and the Gaza operation in January 2009. He acted as an emissary to Jewish refuseniks in the Soviet Union, as an advisor to Israel’s delegation to the United Nations, and as the government’s director of Inter-Religious Affairs. He was a gold medal-winning athlete in the Maccabiah Games.